Conservation of our natural resources is an extremely important issue world wide. Each of us is responsible for taking care of the earth in some way or another so that we may pass it on to the next generation and so on. Obviously with our business based upon eco adventure we are concerned about these issues. We subscribe to a variety of publications and are members of different groups which work to support the earth and all of its inhabitants in one way or another.
I recently came across two different initiatives that I found compelling. One was an interview that the
Adventure Travel Trade Association did with
Neil Rogers of Francis Ford Coppola Resorts. I have never personally visited any of the Coppola family's resorts, but I have studied them a bit. As we were developing our business here in Panama we researched throughout Central America for businesses which had a like-minded outlook on sustainable tourism. We studied each of these businesses and took away pieces of information that might help us as we developed our own lodge. This
article gives a brief look into many of the issues facing sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism can be a challenge and a blessing no matter where the business is located.
The second initiative I encountered over the weekend was one put out by
The Nature Conservancy. TNC has a new campaign called
Use Your Outside Voice. Now, as a mom of young children I thought I knew all about "outside voice", but apparently I was a bit off. TNC has put together a campaign to have people speak up for nature and is calling it Use Your Outside Voice. This appealed to me. If each one of us would do something for our community a long the same vein as we do for our children's schools or our other affiliations then we would be able to make a difference. One of my children's favorite stories is Dr. Seuess'
The Lorax. Our children received it as a gift from our dear friends David and Linda Cerutti. The Lorax speaks for the trees. More of us should speak for the trees. Maybe this campaign by TNC is your chance to speak up a bit.

Labels: Adventure, Conservation, Panama Vacation, Sustainable