Athleta Summer 2011 Catalog Photo Shoot
This past January, we hosted the crew shooting a large part of the Athleta Summer 2011 Catalog Series. This was our second year to host the group. It is a lot of fun. It is also a lot of work. Last year, I put together a series of blog posts that went through the details of the shoot itself. This year, we are doing things a bit differently.
We have a large number of businesses and people to thank for allowing us to impose upon them during the photo shoot. I will have a list of names and links at the end of this series so that you will know what a large group it takes to pull something like this off. We are greatly appreciative of the opportunity as well as the support we received from our community in making it happen.
I have written a few blog posts for Athleta's blog- Chi - which will be posted over a period time as they see fit. I have also done another series of photos, but they have a different feel to them this year. We are focusing on the friendship we have found with all of the people on the crew. We hope you enjoy it all.

Page credits:
CVA_SSTools_Scripts_SupplyTracker - Scrapgirls
KPertiet_Quote8308 - Designer Digitals
bio_P365_0310w12a color - Oscraps Biografitti
mle-PAAP-Paper11 - Port A Prince Special Kit
tayloredpg8 - Oscraps Taylor Made
This post is in our Behind the Scenes series for the Athleta Photo Shoot for their Summer 2011 catalogs shot here in Bocas del Toro in January 2011. It was both an honor and a lot of fun to be a part of this process.
We have a large number of businesses and people to thank for allowing us to impose upon them during the photo shoot. I will have a list of names and links at the end of this series so that you will know what a large group it takes to pull something like this off. We are greatly appreciative of the opportunity as well as the support we received from our community in making it happen.
I have written a few blog posts for Athleta's blog- Chi - which will be posted over a period time as they see fit. I have also done another series of photos, but they have a different feel to them this year. We are focusing on the friendship we have found with all of the people on the crew. We hope you enjoy it all.

Page credits:
CVA_SSTools_Scripts_SupplyTracker - Scrapgirls
KPertiet_Quote8308 - Designer Digitals
bio_P365_0310w12a color - Oscraps Biografitti
mle-PAAP-Paper11 - Port A Prince Special Kit
tayloredpg8 - Oscraps Taylor Made
This post is in our Behind the Scenes series for the Athleta Photo Shoot for their Summer 2011 catalogs shot here in Bocas del Toro in January 2011. It was both an honor and a lot of fun to be a part of this process.
Labels: Behind the Scenes, Blessings, Photographs
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