Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Write a 250 word essay...

I get an email Monday through Friday from a company called Ideal Bite. They have different tidbits of information for one to improve day to day activities and purchases so that what you do is more sustainable than other options. Some work for those of us on an island in the middle of the Caribbean Sea and some do not. Today they sent out a special email with a link to a contest where you write a 250 word essay about what you would do to make your community a greener place. The top five entries will receive $20K and a variety of other things. You must be a resident of the USA in order to enter. So we strike out in this instance. But really, what does it take to come up with an idea and write 250 words? You might win. You might not. So what. Give it a try.

Go see it here: http://greeneffect.nationalgeographic.com/

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