Sunday, November 11, 2007

Breathe Deeply

Breathe deeply. Inhale the ocean breeze. Exhale the “real world”. Inhale the sweet smell of the rain. Exhale crowds. Inhale the scents of the jungle. Exhale the concrete jungle.

I used to have a strong yoga practice when I lived in Houston. I actually began practicing yoga on vacation in Mexico. I was the only woman guest at a fishing lodge. Jim went fishing all day long and I usually hung back at the lodge. The massage therapist at the lodge taught a “pick up” yoga class for all of the female staff members. There is something about beginning your yoga practice gazing upon the Caribbean Sea. It is a memory I cherish.

Yoga just fit for me. I enjoyed it and I benefited from my practice. I unfortunately have not kept up with my practice ever since I was pregnant with my first child. I went to an occasional class following my son’s birth, but I did not have a true practice. Prior to my pregnancy with our daughter I was slowly beginning a practice here in Bocas del Toro Panama. The option to practice while gazing upon the Caribbean Sea is a strong pull for me. However my second pregnancy was a difficult one and I didn’t do any yoga during it.

Now I am reaching the end of my daughter’s first year. I feel a pull toward my yoga practice for a variety of reasons. One of which I believe is that yoga is going to be something that my daughter and I can share. My son also enjoys it even those he only tries a posture or two at a time. I would like to renew my practice so that I might benefit from it and so that I might share it with my children. Besides, breathing deeply here is easy.

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