Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bad day in paradise

What do you do when you have a bad day? Do you dwell on it and let it get you down? Do you try to turn things around as quickly as possible so that you do not have to deal with the sunken gut feeling any longer than absolutely necessary? Do you have a favorite place that you go to help you get out of the doldrums? Do you eat something special?

I try and get over it as soon as possible. I remind myself that even in paradise there are bad days. I take a walk and absorb the beautiful tropical sunshine. I look up into the sky and watch all the different cloud formations across the deep blue sky. I peer up into the trees to see if I can find a sloth or a monkey as I walk beneath them under the jungle canopy. I take deep breaths and I peer out onto the view of the Caribbean Sea and the mountains in the distance. I find one of the quiet spots with a hammock and take a nap.

Generally my routine makes it a bit easier to give myself the push to try and make it a good day instead of a bad day. I work to formulate solutions rather than focus on my current problem. And if all else fails – I eat a piece of chocolate.

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