What do you miss the most?
There are the two most obvious things: family and friends. There are the less obvious things: Target, Whole Foods and the occasional opportunity for a night away from home – you know a date with my husband.
However, more important than the people and things that I do miss are the things that I do not miss. I do not miss working for someone else. Working for myself is far superior than working for “the man”. I do not miss driving a car or the traffic I used to experience while driving a car. I like the fact that I do not have to deal with any of those issues. I do not miss television with commercials. We have opted, for the time being, not to get subscription television of any kind. Our television is limited to that which we can download or purchase on a DVD. As such, other than the brief previews on DVDs I do not see any form of visual advertising. It is really nice not to be bombarded with all of the latest and greatest pop culture has to offer. If I want to find something I have to go looking for it.